Mitch has sent the following report from the Rushcliffe parkrun and there were PBs at Coventry for Lore Paterson, Lisa Abbott and Imran Ali.
En route to Leeds for their half-marathon tomorrow, Jackie and I dropped off at Rushcliffe Country Park in Nottingham for our Saturday morning Park Run fix. Just happened to be there on the day that they had their record turn-out of runners too, 397 in total, a considerable achievement bearing in mind that there are 5 Park Runs in and around Nottingham. The course itself was a picturesque two-lapper on gravel paths, passing a lake and through open countryside. Generally flat and cool to start with, made it a really enjoyable run. It also had kilometre markers to help the new runners and those striving for that elusive PB (whatever one of those is). Well-marshalled and enthusiastically directed, definitely in my top 5 Park Runs – well worth doing Mr Osmond, less than an hour from Coventry 🙂