Results for the Lake Vyrnwy half-marathon, 14-Sep-2014

By Rob | September 15, 2014

8 Sphinx runners completed this picturesque half-marathon in Wales, with a PB for Andy McIntosh too!

Official Results:

Pos Forename Surname Cat Perf% ChipTime GunTime
206 Narinder Bains M45 68.54 01:34:16 01:34:41
242 Andy McIntosh M40 65.49 01:35:43 01:36:08 PB
374 Jane Edwards F50 74.06 01:41:45 01:42:10
576 Anthony McCarroll M45 58.82 01:48:18 01:50:20
756 Karen Timothy F50 64.28 01:54:34 01:56:36
795 Mary Bench F50 65.37 01:55:55 01:57:58
1079 Mick George M55 52.8 02:08:02 02:10:04
1080 Gerry Anstiss M60 55.76 02:08:02 02:10:04