Results for the Kenilworth half-marathon, 04-Sep-2016

By Rob | September 8, 2016

There was a good turnout of 25 Sphinx runners for this popular local half-marathon, organised by Kenilworth Runners. Congratulations to Laura on her PB and to Catherine, Barry, Rachael and Vicki on their first half-marathons!

This was also the club’s designated half-marathon handicap trophy race, where Jackie S predicts a finish time for everyone and the person that beats the estimate by the most wins the Club half-marathon trophy. The results are included below.

Photos by Tim Nunan:

2016 Kenilworth half-marathon (photos by Tim Nunan)


Pos Name Time Net Time Category Cat Pos Gender Gen Pos
22 Rob Wheatley 01:24:31 01:24:30 MV35 9 Male 19
47 Allen El-Sour 01:28:16 01:28:15 MV35 15 Male 42
66 Pete Fahy 01:30:04 01:29:57 MV35 24 Male 60
100 Garry Barnes 01:33:20 01:33:15 MV55 5 Male 92
116 Catherine Gough 01:35:05 01:34:19 F sen 3 Female 11
129 Bryan Pears 01:36:18 01:36:16 MV45 27 Male 117
175 Kevin Dick 01:39:26 01:39:10 M sen 48 Male 156
194 Laura Duggins 01:40:24 01:40:14 FV35 11 Female 24
203 Andrew Mcintosh 01:40:58 01:40:34 MV45 44 Male 178
282 Dorota Brynkiewicz 01:47:31 01:47:16 F sen 18 Female 47
288 Barry Allen 01:47:56 01:47:15 MV35 89 Male 239
314 Lisa Abbott 01:50:14 01:49:49 F sen 22 Female 61
329 Jane Edwards 01:50:57 01:50:33 FV45 11 Female 68
336 Mike Duggan 01:51:38 01:51:11 MV65 3 Male 266
349 William Robertson 01:52:01 01:51:35 MV35 99 Male 274
354 Narinder Bains 01:52:29 01:52:06 MV45 75 Male 278
366 Andy Wilkinson 01:53:42 01:52:56 M sen 74 Male 284
373 Nigel Bassnett 01:54:17 01:53:24 MV45 79 Male 287
441 Imran Ali 02:01:44 02:00:52 MV35 118 Male 329
447 Jonathan Dowds 02:03:21 02:02:23 MV45 91 Male 332
457 Jackie Timms 02:04:53 02:04:05 FV45 27 Female 122
458 Mitch Timms 02:04:53 02:04:05 MV55 36 Male 336
518 Rachael Allen 02:13:13 02:12:15 FV35 55 Female 152
594 Victoria Hand 02:25:47 02:24:53 F sen 69 Female 198
635 Jayne Phelps 02:59:52 02:58:49 FV45 50 Female 227

Handicap results:

name estimated time actual time difference (under) difference (Over)
Rob Wheatley 01:29:00 01:24:30 00:04:30
Rachael Allen 02:15:00 02:12:15 00:02:45
Pete Fahy 01:32:30 01:29:57 00:02:33
Laura Duggins 01:42:30 01:40:14 00:02:16
Bryan Pears 01:38:00 01:36:16 00:01:44
Allen El-Sour 01:29:30 01:28:15 00:01:15
Lisa Abbott 01:50:00 01:49:49 00:00:11
Garry Barnes 01:33:00 01:33:15 00:00:15
Andy McIntosh 01:40:00 01:40:34 00:00:34
Will Robertson 01:51:00 01:51:35 00:00:35
Jackie Timms 02:03:00 02:04:05 00:01:05
Jane Edwards 01:48:30 01:50:33 00:02:03
Dorota Brynkiewicz 01:45:00 01:47:16 00:02:16
Kevin Dick 01:35:30 01:39:10 00:03:40
Nigel Bassnett 01:49:30 01:53:24 00:03:54
Jayne Phelps 02:54:00 02:58:49 00:04:49
Victoria Hand 02:20:00 02:24:53 00:04:53
Catherine Gough 01:29:00 01:34:19 00:05:19
Narinder Bains 01:44:00 01:52:06 00:08:06
Jon Dowds 01:53:00 02:02:23 00:09:23
Imran Ali 01:50:30 02:00:52 00:10:22
Mitch Timms 01:45:00 02:04:05 00:19:05
Andy Wilkinson 01:32:00 01:52:56 00:20:56