Results for the Birdingbury h/c (4 of 6), 29-Jun-2017

By Rob | July 5, 2017

Thanks to Jackie Stuart for the following report and results:

Well the threatened rain stayed away while the 4th handicap race was underway. 43 runners started, with 42 finishing, which included 2 guests and 1 junior.

The race by won by Andrew White, for the 2nd time this season. Fastest man was Rob Wheatley and fastest female was Catherine Gough who was squeezing a quick run in, between graduating on Wednesday and going on holiday on Friday. The beauty of this race is that after starting everybody off, we can watch you all pass us about halfway round. It is amazing to see how much the gap has decreased by the last to first starters.

The next race is on Thursday 3rd August at Corley.

Thanks to Chris and Wayne for setting out the course and everybody who marshalled.

Photos by Fi:

2017-Birdingbury h/c


Over-the-line order Time
Andrew White 0:38:11
Darren Harriot 0:37:08
Al Harris 0:36:43
Jackie Timms 0:42:34
Andy McIntosh 0:34:42
Paul Carberry 0:36:55
Paul Gocher 0:43:10
Catherine Gough 0:34:12
Fiona Quinn 0:49:16
Peter Whitehouse 0:43:51
Sue Allen 1:05:46
Victoria Hand 0:51:28
Laura Duggins 0:39:03
Imran Ali 0:40:07
Wayne Broadbent 0:35:39
Phil Wilson 0:38:43
Andy Hales 0:40:44
Annie Carberry 0:44:45
Kevin Naughton 0:37:16
Rachael Allen 0:47:17
Rob Wheatley 0:31:49
Alex Bartlett 0:34:52
David Brewis 0:32:24
Bobby Hartwell 0:37:26
Ian Thacker 0:41:03
Caroline O’Brien 0:45:04
Narinder Bains 0:37:35
Pete Fahy 0:32:37
Helen King 0:47:13
Mark Moran 0:37:46
Sally-Anne Tully 1:06:50
Laura Pibworth-Dolinski 0:44:54
Pawel Langer 0:33:00
Jane Edwards 0:41:32
James Abrams 0:34:34
Craig Robinson 0:36:44
Mitch Timms 0:39:21
Clare Taylor 0:46:06
Alan Patrick 0:46:26
Vicki O’Brien 0:46:30
Ian Cunningham 0:43:38
Vicky Brewin 0:48:31


closest to estimated time Estimated Actual Difference
Al Harris 0:36:40 0:36:43 0:00:03
Fiona Quinn 0:49:20 0:49:16 0:00:04
Wayne Broadbent 0:35:30 0:35:39 0:00:09
Andrew White 0:38:00 0:38:11 0:00:11
Andy Hales 0:41:00 0:40:44 0:00:16


Time order Time
Rob Wheatley 0:31:49
David Brewis 0:32:24
Pete Fahy 0:32:37
Pawel Langer 0:33:00
Catherine Gough 0:34:12
James Abrams 0:34:34
Andy McIntosh 0:34:42
Alex Bartlett 0:34:52
Wayne Broadbent 0:35:39
Al Harris 0:36:43
Craig Robinson 0:36:44
Paul Carberry 0:36:55
Darren Harriot 0:37:08
Kevin Naughton 0:37:16
Bobby Hartwell 0:37:26
Narinder Bains 0:37:35
Mark Moran 0:37:46
Andrew White 0:38:11
Phil Wilson 0:38:43
Laura Duggins 0:39:03
Mitch Timms 0:39:21
Imran Ali 0:40:07
Andy Hales 0:40:44
Ian Thacker 0:41:03
Jane Edwards 0:41:32
Jackie Timms 0:42:34
Paul Gocher 0:43:10
Ian Cunningham 0:43:38
Peter Whitehouse 0:43:51
Annie Carberry 0:44:45
Laura Pibworth-Dolinski 0:44:54
Caroline O’Brien 0:45:04
Clare Taylor 0:46:06
Alan Patrick 0:46:26
Vicki O’Brien 0:46:30
Helen King 0:47:13
Rachael Allen 0:47:17
Vicky Brewin 0:48:31
Fiona Quinn 0:49:16
Victoria Hand 0:51:28
Sue Allen 1:05:46
Sally-Anne Tully 1:06:50