By Richard | July 17, 2015
The fourth race in the series saw 46 runners start on the tough course around the villages near Frankton. Although conditions for running were not as hot as in the last two years it was still a warm evening for tackling the three hills on this course. First over the line was Paul Carberry who crossed the line in 37:02, ahead of Tom Marchi (48:05) and Will Robertson (41:33). The fastest run of the evening came from Rob Wheatley in 32:57 with Kevin Dick (34:05) and Colin Piper (34:45) completing the top three.
There were 12 new course PB’s for Tom Marchi, Pete Morgan, Gerry Anstiss, Andy Hales, Steve Osmond, Rob Wheatley, Michael Gough, Andy McIntosh, Garry Barnes, Fiona Quinn, Jane Edwards and Paul Bergin. A special mention must go to Ian Hamilton who was deprived of his mention in the top 10 quickest times of the evening due to a mathematical error, but Ian not only recorded a new PB by one second but also managed to match his predicted time of 35:30 exactly to be nearest to the estimated time.
The next race in the series is at Corley on August 13th starting at 7:00pm. Please do not park on the triangle outside the Bull and Butcher, use the overflow car park at the pub. Details of the races that will be used for the 5 mile,10 mile and half marathon trophies can be found on the website.
To avoid a clash with the Rugby 10 on 27th September the final handicap race on the Greenway at Burton Green has been moved back to Sunday 4th October.
Pos | Name | Actual Time | Handicap time | Runner’s Estimated Time |
1 | Paul Carberry | 37:20 | 40:00 | 38:00 |
2 | Tom Marchi | 48:05 | 50:00 | 48:44 |
3 | Will Robertson | 41:33 | 43:00 | 43:46 |
4 | Pete Morgan | 41:43 | 43:00 | 47:30 |
5 | Gerry Anstiss | 48:28 | 49:00 | 47:30 |
6 | Kevin Dick | 34:05 | 34:30 | 34:30 |
7 | Mitch Timms | 37:42 | 38:00 | 37:00 |
8 | Fintan McSharry | 40:51 | 41:00 | 40:00 |
9 | Collin Taylor | 35:23 | 35:30 | 36:45 |
10 | Bryan Pears | 35:57 | 36:00 | 35:10 |
11 | Ian Hamilton | 35:30 | 35:30 | 35:30 |
12 | Andy Hales | 41:02 | 41:00 | 40:57 |
13 | Steve Osmond | 41:04 | 41:00 | 42:00 |
14 | Allen El-Sour (G) | 34:47 | 34:30 | 34:00 |
15 | Rob Wheatley | 32:57 | 32:30 | 33:00 |
16 | Michael Gough (JM) | 36:31 | 36:00 | 36:30 |
17 | Gregg Spencer | 42:31 | 42:00 | 44:52 |
18 | Alex Bartlett | 35:05 | 34:30 | 34:00 |
19 | Jackie Timms | 42:35 | 42:00 | 43:00 |
20 | Imran Ali | 46:36 | 46:00 | 50:00 |
21 | Steve Court | 38:15 | 37:30 | 37:25 |
22 | David West | 36:18 | 35:30 | 35:30 |
23 | Sue Gough | 40:58 | 40:00 | 40:00 |
24 | Wayne Broadbent | 36:02 | 35:00 | 34:59 |
25 | Andy McIntosh | 37:02 | 36:00 | 36:00 |
26 | Ian Cunningham | 40:08 | 39:00 | 40:00 |
27 | Nick Gilkes | 36:09 | 35:00 | 33:30 |
28 | Clare Taylor | 49:15 | 48:00 | 49:00 |
29 | Garry Barnes | 35:56 | 34:30 | 34:50 |
30 | Trevor Clark | 37:30 | 36:00 | 36:00 |
31 | Laura Pibworth-Dolinski | 46:35 | 45:00 | 44:36 |
32 | Mark Moran | 40:10 | 38:30 | 44:00 |
33 | Colin Piper | 34:45 | 33:00 | 34:30 |
34 | Lisa Abbott | 44:46 | 43:00 | 45:00 |
35 | Robyn McSharry (JL) | 40:18 | 38:30 | 39:00 |
36 | Narinder Bains | 38:34 | 36:30 | 36:30 |
37 | Dave Kelly | 42:08 | 40:00 | 38:25 |
38 | Phil Wilson | 39:14 | 37:00 | 37:30 |
39 | Vicki O’Brien | 48:19 | 46:00 | 46:00 |
40 | Hamilton Ngan | 40:54 | 38:30 | 41:35 |
41 | Alan Patrick | 44:30 | 42:00 | 44:00 |
42 | Fiona Quinn | 48:32 | 46:00 | 48:21 |
43 | Jane Edwards | 39:33 | 37:00 | 38:00 |
44 | Paul Bergin | 39:35 | 37:00 | 38:00 |
45 | Suresh Basra | 51:40 | 49:00 | 47:30 |
46 | Claudine Piper (G) | DNF | 42:00 | 43:30 |
In time order:
Pos | Name | Actual Time | Handicap time | Runner’s Estimated Time |
1 | Rob Wheatley | 32:57 | 32:30 | 33:00 |
2 | Kevin Dick | 34:05 | 34:30 | 34:30 |
3 | Colin Piper | 34:45 | 33:00 | 34:30 |
4 | Allen El-Sour (G) | 34:47 | 34:30 | 34:00 |
5 | Alex Bartlett | 35:05 | 34:30 | 34:00 |
6 | Collin Taylor | 35:23 | 35:30 | 36:45 |
7 | Ian Hamilton | 35:30 | 35:30 | 35:30 |
8 | Garry Barnes | 35:56 | 34:30 | 34:50 |
9 | Bryan Pears | 35:57 | 36:00 | 35:10 |
10 | Wayne Broadbent | 36:02 | 35:00 | 34:59 |
11 | Nick Gilkes | 36:09 | 35:00 | 33:30 |
12 | David West | 36:18 | 35:30 | 35:30 |
13 | Michael Gough (JM) | 36:31 | 36:00 | 36:30 |
14 | Andy McIntosh | 37:02 | 36:00 | 36:00 |
15 | Paul Carberry | 37:20 | 40:00 | 38:00 |
16 | Trevor Clark | 37:30 | 36:00 | 36:00 |
17 | Mitch Timms | 37:42 | 38:00 | 37:00 |
18 | Steve Court | 38:15 | 37:30 | 37:25 |
19 | Narinder Bains | 38:34 | 36:30 | 36:30 |
20 | Phil Wilson | 39:14 | 37:00 | 37:30 |
21 | Jane Edwards | 39:33 | 37:00 | 38:00 |
22 | Paul Bergin | 39:35 | 37:00 | 38:00 |
23 | Ian Cunningham | 40:08 | 39:00 | 40:00 |
24 | Mark Moran | 40:10 | 38:30 | 44:00 |
25 | Robyn McSharry (JL) | 40:18 | 38:30 | 39:00 |
26 | Fintan McSharry | 40:51 | 41:00 | 40:00 |
27 | Hamilton Ngan | 40:54 | 38:30 | 41:35 |
28 | Sue Gough | 40:58 | 40:00 | 40:00 |
29 | Andy Hales | 41:02 | 41:00 | 40:57 |
30 | Steve Osmond | 41:04 | 41:00 | 42:00 |
31 | Will Robertson | 41:33 | 43:00 | 43:46 |
32 | Pete Morgan | 41:43 | 43:00 | 47:30 |
33 | Dave Kelly | 42:08 | 40:00 | 38:25 |
34 | Gregg Spencer | 42:31 | 42:00 | 44:52 |
35 | Jackie Timms | 42:35 | 42:00 | 43:00 |
36 | Alan Patrick | 44:30 | 42:00 | 44:00 |
37 | Lisa Abbott | 44:46 | 43:00 | 45:00 |
38 | Laura Pibworth-Dolinski | 46:35 | 45:00 | 44:36 |
39 | Imran Ali | 46:36 | 46:00 | 50:00 |
40 | Tom Marchi | 48:05 | 50:00 | 48:44 |
41 | Vicki O’Brien | 48:19 | 46:00 | 46:00 |
42 | Gerry Anstiss | 48:28 | 49:00 | 47:30 |
43 | Fiona Quinn | 48:32 | 46:00 | 48:21 |
44 | Clare Taylor | 49:15 | 48:00 | 49:00 |
45 | Suresh Basra | 51:40 | 49:00 | 47:30 |
46 | Claudine Piper (G) | DNF | 42:00 | 43:30 |